Coxwell Avenue Rail Bridge Upgrades
The City of Toronto will soon be upgrading and improving the Coxwell Rail Bridge, including repairing steel girders and columns, repairing concrete abutments, replacing concrete stairs and median, and repairing & cleaning retaining walls. This much-needed work is scheduled to take place between April and September.
New Mural for New Bridge:
After the completion of the work, the Coxwell Underpass will be one of the next bridges to be part of the ‘East End Bridges to Art’ project.
Traffic Management Plan: Coxwell will remain open to Southbound traffic during the construction. Northbound traffic will be diverted east along Gerrard and north on Woodbine. Driveways on Coxwell will still be accessible.
If you have additional questions you can contact the Project Manager, Manzur Rahman, 416-392-4509, or |