Leslieville/Riverside News: #Riverside TO BIA Weekly Update

  • Featured: Digital Main Street is Back!; Energy Saving Rebate Program; Digital Marketing Workshop – Thank You & Photos
  • BIA Notices/Reminders: Winterlicious Application, Cigarette Receptacle Program
  • Riverside BIA 2019 Event Calendar
  • Upcoming Riverside BIA Member Happenings
  • Neighbourhood News: Dusk Dance at Withrow Park, Communities Come Together for #DanforthStrong

Submit YOUR Riverside news/events via office@riverside-to.com

Digital Main Street
Do you need help growing your business’s online presence?

We are excited to announce our partnership with Digital Main Street will be continuing! The Digital Service Squad will be working in Riverside starting on July 29th.

The Digital Service Squad will work one on one with businesses to help in whichever digital aspect you need help with or is most important in your businesses. There is absolutely no cost to you as a business as this service is being offered through the BIAas a value to our members. 

For more on Digital Main Street and to REGISTER NOW, click here

Energy Savings Rebate Program for Retailers in Ontario
Looking to make your business more sustainable? 

On June 20, 2019, the Government of Canada launched the federal Energy Savings Rebate Program for retailers in Ontario to make energy-efficient products more accessible to people and businesses across the province.

The new program will provide approximately $200 million over two years to participating retailers to help Ontario residents purchase energy-efficient products. Retailers will provide rebates of up to 25 percent off the price of eligible products, helping Ontarians reduce energy use, save money, and fight climate change, at home.

For more information on eligibility and applications, refer to the program website HERE. And to learn more, visit our blog post here

Digital Marketing Workshop Thank You & Photos
The Digital Marketing Workshop was a success! 
The BIA set up a free digital marketing workshop lead by Ricardo Mallaco. During the workshop, Ricardo taught us all about Google My Business! Ricardo has worked with the BIA in the past and we have really enjoyed working with him and all of the help he has given us!  It was a great success and we all learned a lot so we hope to have more informative workshops in the future!

Thank you so much to Ricardo Mallaco for volunteering your time to help our BIA Business Members! We really appreciate it!

Visit our blog post here to check out some photos from the workshop! 

Winterlicious Application
Winterlicious returns January 31 – February 13, 2020. Are you a restaurant that wants to participate?

All you need to do is to fill out this form and send to wintersummerlicious@toronto.ca by August 8th, 2019.

You will find out if you are eligible to participate in early September and will receive your registration to secure a spot in September.

To be eligible, you must:
  • Be an existing, full-service restaurant
  • Possess a current Dine Safe Green Pass issued by Toronto Public Health
  • Have the average price of a three-course meal meet the minimum requirements ($27 Lunch/$39 Dinner, $33 Lunch/$51 Dinner, or $39 Lunch/$63 Dinner)
If you have any questions, please contact wintersummerlicious@toronto.ca
eirine.papaioannou@toronto.ca or 416-392-7902.  
More details can be found at www.toronto.ca/licious.
Cigarette Receptacle Program
Have you been struggling with cigarette butts in front of your store?

The Riverside BIA has a Cigarette Recycling program together with TerraCycle. The program consists of the business paying a one-time fee of $100 to join the Cigarette Recycling Program and the BIA will install and maintain a cigarette receptacle outside your business, which will be emptied regularly and sent for recyclingthrough the Terracycle.

TerraCycle is a highly-awarded and globally recognized recycling company that develops zero waste solutions for difficult-to-recycle waste streams. To learn more about Terracycle, the company that recycles them, click here.

To be part of the program, contact the BIA Office at office@riverside-to or 416-303-4484.


Our 2019 calendar shows an overview of what’s happening this year! Email marketing@riverside-to.com anytime with your questions and to get involved.  
P.S. Check out our detailed Riverside Online Events Calendar which showcases BIA member and community events – to get your event posted, submit anytime to marketing@riverside-to.com


The 25th annual Dusk Dances Festival Returns to Withrow Park! 

This summer there is another week of exquisite dance works from Canada’s finest dance makers!
This event is hosted by Madame Beaucoup (Lisa Anne Ross). It includes FREE Square Dance workshops with professional caller Hannah Shira-Naiman, accompanied by live music:

  • Milty’s Thirsty Jug Benders (August 4 & 11)
  • Hop High Lowdowners (August 7, 8 & 10)
  • Square Peg Stringband (August 5, 6 & 9)

* The participation of this Artist is arranged by permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance Opera Theatre Policy (DOT).

To learn more about the Dusk Dances, check out their website here


Communities Come Together for #DanforthStrong

Under a gentle rain at the heart of the Danforth neighbourhood, dozens gathered to remember the two people killed and 13 people injured during a mass shooting a year ago Monday.

The sunset vigil began at 8:51 p.m. at Alexander the Great Parkette near Danforth and Logan avenues, which is where the shooting began last year.

“One year later, our hearts are heavy but our love is strong and our determination to overcome is powerful. Tonight we take back the night.”

Read more about the beautiful vigil here



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Leslieville/Riverside News: #Riverside TO BIA Weekly Update

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