We got this note from our facebook group member Kasey Dunn, we thought we would forward it.   It’s great to support local theatre.. And you can walk to it if you’re in Leslieville, Riverside, The Beaches or Riverdale 🙂

local theatre











The Anger in Ernest and Ernestine by Leah Cherniak, Martha Ross and Robert Morgan.
Ernest and Ernestine live in a perfectly ordered world until cracks appear in the veneer. Repressed anger rears its ugly head and the couple’s effort to maintain order and affection range from comic to tragic.

May 21-30 at the Sidemart Theatrical Grocery (Queen and Greenwood)
Tickets $15-18

This show is timely, as Theatre Columbus (who devised the show 30 years ago) just celebrated their birthday and name change! It is a physical, sweet, and hilarious production.

Ticket’s available here:

Full info with poster images:


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Leslieville News! Local theatre : Ernest and Ernestine

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