Where is Charlie when you need him?


Last night I told my kids a fun bedtime story: A chocolate company was coming to Leslieville and will be located a block from our house.  Some wonderful chocolate making people will purchase a brick storefront, gut it back to the studs, and build a few thousand square feet of deliciousness. The people of the neighbourhood will be drawn to the building by the smells of chocolate floating through the air. They will fly out of their bedroom windows into the chocolate companies chimney and be welcomed by a dancing Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder in my story, not Johnny Depp – i’m old). Then I told them that the story was true. Well, most of it.

Soon my neighbours,kids, their friends and classmates will not only satisfy their sweet tooth but also support another great independent store.

The gentrification of Gerrard Street East continues and as your neighbourhood navigators we feel it necessary to give you the inside scoop of chocolate.  “Marigolds Finest” will be located at 1296 Gerrard Street East. They are currently under construction and we look forward to their opening!  How about a dentist in the building next to it?


More details here:  http://www.marigoldsfinest.com/


Ben Ferguson, Leslieville.com



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Leslieville News : A Chocolate Factory coming to Leslieville?

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