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THANK YOU & PHOTOS – Riverside Eats & Beats Streetfest
  Riverside Eats & Beats Streetfest, in its 5th year, was described by Riverside festival-goers and businesses alike as ‘the biggest and best celebration yet’ with:
  • 2 days of fun activities celebrating 150, Indigenous roots and local business and community
  • 10,000+ people coming out to Riverside on June 3rd & 4th
  • 50+ participating restaurants, vendors and retailers hosting events/ activities
  • 20+ live performances by Toronto musicians and artists
  • street closures over the weekend packed with fun & meaningful activities and attractions
  • 350+ volunteer hours contribute

This event could not have happened without the support of so many amazing people!!!
Let us know how we did:
Survey for Riverside Businesses/Organizations for the Public

Please save the date for next year: June 2, 2018!


Nuit Blanche is Coming to Riverside this fall


Nuit Blanche will be coming to Riverside and Toronto’s East End through a collaboration with the Riverside BIA, ERA Architects, Project Gallery, The Broadview Hotel, Streetcar Developments Inc. and the City of Toronto. The project theme in Riverside, “Since Now, From Then”, will be a cluster of artistic projects located within the Broadview Avenue and Queen Street East corridor..

Nuit Blanche will occur on Saturday, September 30 from 7pm to Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 7am.

We will share more information as it becomes available but in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Deadline to Register for HOT EATS is this Friday

Dear Riverside Restaurant/Café Owner:

HOT Eats is part of the City of Toronto’s 2017 Cultural Hotspot initiative, which celebrates the vibrant culture, heritage and creative business in the East York/East End area. The HOT Eats program promotes the area’s diverse food businesses, encouraging people across Toronto to explore more – and eat more – outside the core.

It’s not too late to register for the HOT EATS program, just fill out their online form TODAY:

Eligibility Criteria

To take part you must be:

  • Located in the 2017 Cultural Hotspot area (Eglinton Avenue to the north, Lake Ontario to the south, Bayview Avenue/the Don Valley to the west and Victoria Park Avenue to the east)
  • Possess a current Dine Safe Green Pass issued by Toronto Public Health
  • Provide a $25 or $50 gift certificate by June 9, 2017 to be awarded as a HOT Eats prize

If you have questions, please contact Hyesoo Kim, Arts Program Officer, Arts & Culture Services at 
or 416-392-1210.

Digital Main Street in Riverside + Grant Program

Through a partnership with the Riverside BIA, the Digital Main Street team has been going door to door to visit Riverside businesses and organizations to find out how they can help you this summer with your digital needs.  They are providing one-on-one support at your location and convenience for FREE, like Google 360 photos of your space, assistance with website, social media, and more.  If you have not connected with them yet and would like to, pls reach out to

PLUS – Digital Main Street is offering a new program: “The Starter Company Plus – Digital Main Street program” to help businesses go digital. They have created a complete 8-week training program which will develop and implement an integrated and comprehensive digital transformation plan for your business. You can also receive a $2500 grant towards the implementation of your plan. Don’t miss this opportunity! Register now


Input Invited re: Sidewalk Cafes & Displays in Toronto


News Release from City of Toronto

June 6, 2017

Public input invited on guidelines, rules and fees for sidewalk cafés and displays in Toronto

The City of Toronto is reviewing application and permit fees, as well as the bylaws that govern sidewalk cafés and displays operating on the public right-of-way/sidewalks. The review includes looking at the space required for walking and movement for people with disabilities, and how those requirements will affect existing holders of café and marketing permits.

Fees proposed earlier this year have been revised after the City received input from the restaurant industry and other stakeholders. The revised proposal will result in a modest fee increase for most permit holders, while some will see their permit fees lowered.

Two public meetings will be held to give residents and businesses an opportunity to view the proposed changes, speak with staff and provide feedback on the proposed fees.

Public meetings:
. Tuesday, June 13 from 2 to 4 p.m., City Hall, Committee Room 2, 100 Queen St. W.
. Tuesday, June 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., North York Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 5100 Yonge St.

Livestreaming of the June 13 meeting will be available at

For those unable to attend the meeting, input can be provided at

A report recommending a revised sidewalk café bylaw, updated guidelines and fees is expected to be submitted to a joint meeting of the Licensing and Standards and Public Works Committees this fall.

This news release is also available on the City of Toronto website at

Toronto is Canada’s largest city, the fourth largest in North America, and home to a diverse population of about 2.8 million people. It is a global centre for business, finance, arts and culture and is consistently ranked one of the world’s most livable cities. In 2017, Toronto will honour Canada’s 150th birthday with “TO Canada with Love,” a year-long program of celebrations, commemorations and exhibitions. For information on non-emergency City services and programs, Toronto residents, businesses and visitors can visit, call 311, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or follow us on Twitter at and on Instagram at

Changes to Ontario’s Minimum Wage

 The Ontario government has announced increases in the general minimum wage. If the proposal proceeds as planned, the following wages will be in effect:

Minimum wage category Current October 1, 2017 January 1, 2018 January 1, 2019
General $11.40 $11.60 $14.00 $15.00
Student under 18 $10.70 $10.90 $13.15 $14.10
Liquor servers $9.90 $10.10 $12.10 $13.05

 Other changes in the province’s labour laws that would effect small businesses include the following:

  • Equal pay provisions mean part-time, temporary and seasonal employees will be paid equally to full-time employees when performing the same job
  • New scheduling rules will include minimum payments for less than 3 hours of work
  • Employees will be entitled to 3 weeks’ vacation after 5 years of service
  • Employees will be entitled to 10 personal emergency leave days per year, including two that are paid
  • Related businesses will be treated as one employer, and will be held jointly responsible for monies owing under the Employment Standards Act
  • Unpaid wages will accrue interest
  • You will face increased penalties for non-compliance 

Share Your Opinion

  • Call or write directly to your MPP and the Premier to tell them how these changes will impact your business. 
  • Participate in a committee hearing near you this summer to tell the government how you feel. We will share this information once it is released.
  • Feel free to share any specific feedback with the Riverside BIA at

Email Lists and CAN-SPAM – Changes July 1, 2017

The Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation’s (CASL) Private Right of Action comes into effect on July 1, 2017. This is the element of the CASL law that allows private citizens to take legal action against and seek actual damages ($$) from companies in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act.

In order to remain compliant with CASL it is important that you have confirmed consent from individuals on your email newsletters. One important step you can take is to send out up to two emails requesting confirmation (two is the maximum allowed by law).

It is also important that you maintain records of confirmation of consent.

Frequently Asked Questions are available at:

‘Sounds of Leslieville and Riverside’ is July 7-9


Riverside Businesses 
Upcoming Events/ Offers  

“O Canada” Exhibit at Dimensions until July 3rd

Oma Chiropractic & Wellness


Complimentary Fitness Class at Framewrk Studio

Need a little spring time fitness revamp? 
Did you know there’s a fitness studio in 9 Davies with classes at lunch, after work and in the early mornings?  A variety of classes like Essentrics, Pilates, Strength/Conditioning and Yoga are offered. The community is fun and easy going. If you are part of the Riverside BIA please come and check out a complimentary class at Framewrk.

Just mention you saw this ad in the Riverside BIA Newsletter and you’re in!

Framewrk – 9 Davies Unit 206, Toronto ON M4M2A6

Framewrk is Looking for a Part-time Social Media Manager and Front Desk Manager 
The following message is from Josephine Cuthill from Framewrk Studio:

We are looking for the right individual to manage our social media and work at the front desk part time. We are a fitness studio in 9 Davies Av. and teach a variety of movement to an amazing community of inspiring people. We are looking for a pleasant, creative, responsible, trustworthy and positive individual interested in wellness and fitness to manage and grow our SM presence and create engagement and brand awareness. This is a part time position and requires some in studio time greeting and assisting customers while planning, posting and engaging with influencers. The ideal person will be customer service oriented, compassionate, reliable, punctual and able to handle small client issues while helping us define and grow our brand.

Resumes can be forwarded to

Learn to Camp with Parks Canada @ Queen/Saulter Library June 10th

Are You Looking to Set Up Shop in Riverside? iSDesignLabs is Here to Help!

isDesignLabs is a local design studio is looking to get more involved in the neighbourhood. Our passion is in creating holistic brands and wholesome customer experiences with a particular focus on new businesses and innovative enterprises. 

Some of our services: brand strategy, brand consulting, logo design, interior design, decor, event design and custom art. We always open for a chat!

Urban Hero Awards – Nominations Open

Metroland Media Toronto is hosting the Urban Hero Awards to celebrate community heroes of all ages for their inspiring work, leadership and good deeds here in the city. The program is being launched as part of Canada’s 150th celebrations as a way to honour the people that make a difference in the lives of others and exemplify what it means to be Canadian.

Click here to nominate an Urban Hero.

Nominations will be accepted in eight categories: Arts, Business, Education, Environment, Good Neighbour, Health, Social Issues and Sports. Within each category the awards will recognize the ‘Titans of Tomorrow’ (Youth 14-18), and the ‘Champions of Today’ (Adults 19+). The nomination deadline has been extended to June 18, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.


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Leslieville/Riverside News: #RiversideTO BIA Weekly Update

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