What is next for the corner of Leslie & Queen Street East?

For over 60 years Lee’s Food Products Ltd had made Soya Sauce at the corner of Leslie and Queen Street East in Leslieville. I found it hard to believe that the factory was still in operation and it wasn’t some condo developer holding this building so I called and asked.

china lillyThe nice lady who answered the phone chuckled when I asked.  It sounded like this question is asked quite often. She answered my questions but she did become somewhat secretive when I asked how many employees they had, if I could see inside or perhaps at least get some photos of the interior.  China Lily was once one of the most popular Soy Sauces in Canada. I found another leslieville local who was curious about this and read about it here.

What is next for this prime leslieville real estate? It is a big parcel of land which i’m sure many developers are drooling over.  Houses, Condos,Townhouses or just about anything could be built here. I propose Soya Sauce Leslieville Lofts! Suites can be named after famous Chinese Dishes? Hot & Sour Soup Suite might be a tough sell – but i’d put my order in now for a Peking Duck Penthouse today!  Chinese food and more specifically dim sum are among my families favourites. My kids love Chinese dumplings! If you haven’t tried Ha Gow Dim Sum on the Danforth I would check it out – very inexpensive and delicious. Details here.

Of course i’m kidding about the Soya Sauce Lofts – That’s just a bad idea but I do find it interesting that this factory is still in operation in such a prime spot. Let’s hope something cool eventually happens in this location – and not necessarily a condo development. I like the fact that east Leslieville has mostly lower density buildings and older architecture which adds to the character and charm of our hood.  My last bad idea “The Jail House Lofts” at the Don Jail wasn’t acted on – so let’s hope this one isn’t either.


What would you like to see at Leslie and Queen Street East? Please comment below…



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Leslieville News: Soya Sauce Lofts? What is next for Leslie & Queen Street East?

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