In our never ending quest to keep you up to date on the ever expanding Gerrard Street gentrification we came across a sign in a window at the NE corner of Gerrard and Woodfield that looks like an art gallery opening. Does anyone know anything about this? The sign says Gas : Art Space. A few more cool shops on gerrard and even the Queen Street hipsters will allow us Northerners to be part of Leslieville?

Gas Art Gallery Leslieville


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Art Gallery? Gas : Art Space

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About The Author


  • joannefrances

    My name is Joanne FIlletti and I am the director of Gerrard Art Space, or GAS. The official opening is Saturday April 14th, 2-7pm, with a show of paintings by local artist Max MacDonald. . We are in th eprocess of creating our blog, website and a facebook page.
    GAS is is a membership based gallery. Art courses will potentially run in the evening.
    If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please leave a note or contact me at:
    Thank you for your interest.
    Joanne Filletti

  • Jim

    GAS is thrilled to announce that Nicola Maquire, an award winning early childhood educator and visual artist will be holding art classes for children aged 2 to 14 in the gallery.

    Times and dates are still to be announced. For more info, please visit Nicola’s website at:

  • Jim

    Last weekend to see New Work by Max MacDonald at Gerrard Art Space. Please drop in and say hello!

    Roadtrip: Photographs by Jim Lambie opens on Wednesday May 2nd. Opening reception on May 12th.