Leslieville/Riverside News: #RiversideTO BIA Weekly Update

Check out this update from our local Riverside BIA!

  • Featured: Let’s Spring Forward: Plan for Eats & Beats; Riverside Craft Wine & Beer Fest is Live!
  • BIA Notices/Reminders: Filming Notice March 11th; Commercial Façade and Property Improvement Program
  • Riverside BIA 2019 Event Calendar
  • Upcoming Riverside BIA Member Happenings 
  • Neighbourhood News: East Harbour Open House Invite – March 27th; #EASTENDLOVE in East Toronto

Submit YOUR Riverside news/events via office@riverside-to.com

Let’s Spring Forward: Plan for Eats & Beats + Sounds of Leslieville and Riverside! 
Two amazing festivals are coming up this summer in Riverside, and we’re inviting all businesses and community partners to get involved!!​
Saturday, June 1st is the 7th Annual Riverside Eats & Beats Streetfest, happening alongside the 21th Annual Riverdale Art Walk! Get ready to taste the eats and feel the beats in Riverside’s 10 blocks along Queen St East from Davies to Empire Ave. The BIA will be hosting four exciting street closures at Broadview (south of Queen – main stage), Munro, Saulter and McGee streets. We will have a Sidewalk Sale Permit and a Noise Permit which enables Riverside businesses and organizations to get out on their sidewalk space with BBQs, live music, sidewalk promos and more. 

Friday, July 5- Sunday, July 7th is the ‘Sounds of Leslieville & Riverside’, which kicks off the 31th Annual Beaches International Jazz Fest. This year’s event features main music stage in Jimmie Simpson Park, and block parties with live music on De Grassi St, Boulton Ave, and Saulter St. The Riverside BIA is again getting a Sidewalk Sale permit so Riverside business or organizations can be part of the festivities!

To get involved contact: marketing@riverside-to.com

Riverside Wine & Craft Beer Fest is Now LIVE!
Join us in this 5-day long event enjoying all that our area has to offer in terms of Wine & Beer!
Riverside Wine & Craft Beer Fest is now live, check all the details here!  
Tuesday, April 2nd to Saturday, April 6th is the 5th Annual Riverside Wine & Craft Beer Fest!

It is not too late for Riverside businesses to get involved!

It’ll be a week-long celebration of Ontario wine, local beer and Riverside businesses, featuring: Talks (April 2), Flight Night (April 3), Tasting Night Market (April 4), Prix Fixe Events (April 2-6), and the ever-popular Expo (April 6)!!

Here are ways you can get on board to make this a fabulous community event once again:

  • April 2-6th: Host a prix fixe event: restaurants, bars and cafes can host special events, such as prix fixe meals or classes with wine/beer pairings. Partner up with one of your existing wine or beer reps or let us know if you need a recommendation! Let us know what you’ll be doing to be included in promotions!
  • April 3rd: Take part in Wednesday Flight Night – restaurants, bars and cafes can promote an existing or special flight of beer or wine as part of the festival – just let us know to be included in promotions
  • April 6th: We are seeking pop-up food vendors for the EXPO, and also donations for our Silent Auction in support of Ralph Thornton Community Centre. Seeking Silent Auction Items in support of our Fundraiser for the Ralph Thornton Centre children’s’ programming
  • Promote your regular specials: restaurants, bars and cafes that offer regular wine or beer specials (BYOB, 1/2 price…) can promote these as part of the festival! Just let us know!

To get involved just email marketing@riverside-to.com
HUGE thanks to our 2019 Riverside Wine & Craft Beer Fest Sponsors: Hulmark and Bentall Kennedy, and festival partners Eastbound Brewing Co, Toronto Food Tours, the Ralph Thornton Community Centre and All Wrapped Up Events!

Commercial Façade and Property Improvement Program
The application is received in a first come first served basis, and the funding usually runs out prior to the deadline! ​
2019 Commercial Facade Improvement Grant is open, apply NOW!

Each year, the Program provides funding to commercial and private properties to redesign, renovate or restore commercial or industrial building façades. The eligible improvements include, but are not limited to, brick cleaning, restoration, wheelchair accessibility, doors, signage, windows, lighting and masonry. 

Your application must contain:

  • Quotes from 2 different contractors for each improvement (at least 3) you want to make in your facade.
  • In case you rent, a letter from the landlord giving you permission to tackle the renovation.
  • You need to a drawing of the renovation project. It does not need to be done by a professional, it just needs to clearly show the changes you’re planning.
  • Application form

Download application form, here

Need contractors references? Have questions? Don’t know where to start?
Feel free to contact the BIA Office: office@riverside-to.com OR 416-303-4484

Filming Notice for March 11th at Thompson St.
A message from the production manager of Darren:
To the Residents & Businesses in the vicinity: 
We’ll be filming INTERIOR scenes at: The Civic Restaurant – 106 Broadview Ave. on March 11th from 7am to 11pm.

OUr production vehicles and various pieces of film-related equipment will be located on:
Thompson St (North Side), Broadview Ave to Hamilton St.

If you have any questions or concerns,  please contact MIchelle Kooersen, production manager at 416-915-2238.

See the entire Notice by clicking here.


Our 2019 calendar shows an overview of what’s happening this year! Email marketing@riverside-to.com anytime with your questions and to get involved.  
P.S. Check out our detailed Riverside Online Events Calendar which showcases BIA member and community events – to get your event posted, submit anytime to marketing@riverside-to.com


East Harbour Open House Invite – March 27

Join us inside the former Unilever industrial building to check out the space before it’s transformed into the #SoapFactory and learn about the continuous evolution of development plans for East Harbour.

Check more details of the invitation here!

Register to join here: https://www.addevent.com/event/PL3137875

Please feel free to share with your community groups.

#EASTENDLOVE in East Toronto

#EastEndLove is a new community-led public art project that uses stencil screen printing, collaborative arts workshops, and public art to spread messages of acceptance, anti-discrimination throughout the east Toronto community! The #EastEndLove project will create a community-engaged, public showcase of community, acceptance, and resilience.
Learn more here.

We are kicking off the #EastEndLove project with our first community workshop! 
Cost: FREE
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2019
Time:12pm to 4pm
Location: AccessPoint on Danforth, Youth Space, 3079 Danforth Avenue East


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Leslieville/Riverside News: #RiversideTO BIA Weekly Update

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