“Game of Thorntons” RTCC’s Annual Fund-raising!
RTCC’s Annual Fund-raising Gala and Silent Auction takes a darker turn… “Winter has ended” and the great Houses of Riverside – including the Boultons, the Saulters, the McGees, the Grants, and the DeGrassis – are gathering at Thornton Castle to divide the spoils, to determine who will get to sit on the Copper Throne, and to win possession of the legendary Thornton Jewel – a diamond circled sapphire, worth a Queen’s ransom (appraised value over $2,000!)
Many treasures will be available for the highest bidder (there is no truth to the rumour that the lowest bidder will be forced to march through the streets, subject to the abuse of the entire city — we save that for our elected officials!) Unlock your treasury, and acquire the finest art, jewelry, food and drink, and much more to take back to your own abode!
On May 11, all roads lead to Thornton Castle, where Kings, Queens, and commoners alike will quaff the finest brews from the Eastbound and Saulter breweries, sample rare vintages from the Counties of Niagara, Prince Edward, and lands beyond the seas.
Feast on delicious sweets transported, at enormous peril, across the mighty Don River from famed bakers Daniel et Daniel in distant Cabbagetown, and sample wild boar, gamebirds, and other delights from the renowned ovens of Il Ponte.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. They are now available online at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/game-of-thorntons-tickets-57954099271?aff=ebdssbdestsearch, and at RTCC Reception.
Read all about the Game of Thorntons on the blog post! |