- Featured: Riverside Blog Series Features Wedding Planning; Welcome to the Neighbourhood – M’Eat Resto Butcher; Riverside Architecture Walk is July 28
- BIA Notices/Reminders: Recommend a Renovation Contractor; Reminder re-Business Sidewalk Signs; 311 Toronto as a Resource; Filming Notice from Second Bedford Productions
- Upcoming Riverside BIA Member Happenings
- Neighbourhood News: Cultural Hotspot Loops Guide East York/East End is Out!; Innovation in the Auto Sector with Riverside Square
Submit YOUR Riverside news/ events via office@riverside-to.com |
Riverside Blog Series Features Wedding Planning

Riverside resident, writer and photographer Karen Llyod has put together the perfect package of wedding planning ideas for all types of wedding styles and needs – featuring Riverside’s own venues and businesses!Check out this round up f/t Event Venues (The Broadview Hotel, The Jam Factory TO, Jasper Dandy, Eastbound Brewing Co & more), great catering options (Sugar Loaf, Tabule, Bonjour Brioche & others!), Gowns & accessories (Sash & Bustle Bridal Boutique), flowers (Quince) and decor and gifts (Arts Market, BRIKA…) . Here’s a sneak peek:
Getting ready for the day you say, “I DO” is certainly exciting but it’s no easy mission. Fortunately, in Toronto’s romantic Riverside neighbourhood, you’ll be able to check everything off your list of wedding needs from cute stationary and gifts to beautiful and one-of-a-kind bridal gowns and award-winning florists.
After you’ve curated the perfect wedding folder with inspiring ideas, worked out your budget, picked the wedding party, and sorted out the guest list it’s time to shop, choose your party venues, reserve dates, and send your invites – and Riverside let’s you do it all within a convenient 10 blocks walk…
Read the full article on the Riverside Blog |
Welcome to the Neighbourhood M’Eat Resto Butcher!

M’Eat Resto Butcher (Butcher + restaurant) opened up at 806 Queen St E (former space of Mazz Japanese Bistro) on July 19th for daytime and will be opening for dinner on July 26th! They are a boutique butcher shop that doubles as a meat-forward neighbourhood restaurant from executive chef and owner Cam Nelson. Their focus is on local farm-to-table-fresh meat and seasonal offerings for their butcher shop and meals for lunch, weekend brunch, and fine-dining evening crowds.
Learn all about M’Eat’s program and ‘m’eat’ their chefs on the Riverside Blog.
Check out their Instagram and stop in and help give them a warm welcome! |
Riverside Architecture Walk is July 28th

Riverside Walks is back July 28th! Walkers will explore the changing dynamics of Riverside by learning about the many eras and styles of architecture it houses, from past to present, and even a view into the future.
About the Walk leader: Ron Fletcher is a local historian, Founder and President of the Riverdale Historical Society, Founder of the Riverdale Art Walk (now in its 20th year), Author of ‘Over the Don’ and a past Chair of the Riverside BIA.
This guided tour is part of Riverside Walks, a series of free local walking tours throughout the spring, summer and fall (May-October). Big thanks to 2018 Walks Sponsor Team Sheppard Re/MAX Hallmark.
Check out more Riverside Walks at www.riverside-to.com/events/riverside-walks/ |

Our 2018 calendar shows an overview of what’s happening this year! Email marketing@riverside-to.com anytime with you questions/ to get involved. p.s. Check out our detailed Riverside Online Events Calendar which showcases BIA member and community events – to get your event posted, submit anytime to marketing@riverside-to.com |
Recommend a Renovation Contractor
Attn Riverside BIA Business Members: your recommendations are needed!
The Riverside BIA office is building a list of recommended contractors to share back out with Riverside BIA members (you!). We are looking to add to this list: contractors that are suitable for jobs for small businesses, are relatively local (Toronto/GTA), and have done good professional renos in your experience.
Please recommend anybody you’ve worked with (e.g. painters, electricians, tilers, brickwork, custom signage, lighting, dry-walling, general contractors, etc).
Please email info to Lais at the Riverside BIA office at outreach@riverside-to.com, including:
- Contractor name/company name:
- Contact info (phone/email):
- What they do (e.g. dry-walling, painting, etc):
We look forward to sharing the full list back with you to help with Riverside BIA members’ day-to-day contractor needs and for your future applications to the Commercial Facade Improvement Grant (annual grant, applications accepted each February) |
Reminder re- Business Sidewalk Signs

Your sign size must be between 0.5m and 1m height, no wider than 0.6m

Your permitted sign must allow min of 2.1m of unobstructed space for pedestrians to pass, and can only be displayed during business hours
Outdoor sidewalk signs are a great way to get noticed and promote your business. However, did you know there are rules to having a sign? The Toronto Municipal Code (Chapter 693, Signs) lay out requirements for businesses, particularly:
- Every business displaying a portable sign (e.g. A-Frame) must first obtain a permit to do so (693-21)
- Your permitted sign must be located on the public property (e.g. the sidewalk) adjacent to your business
- Your sign must allow for an unobstructed pedestrian clearway of a minimum of 2.1m
- No more than one portable sign can be displayed for a business
- Your sign can only be displayed during your business operating hours
- Sign size must be between 0.5m and 1m in height, and no wider than 0.6 m
This reminder is being sent as the Riverside BIA and Councillor’s office have received complaints from local residents related to business signs obstructing sidewalks. While anyone can file a complaint with the City’s Municipal Licensing and Standards office, it is important for businesses and residents to work together in efforts to resolve disputes prior to involving authorities.
Having great business-community relations is what makes Riverside a great place to live, work and play, so please be respectful of the rules and please work with residents and each other when these issues arise. Thank you!
Temporary Sign Permit Application form available here. |
311 Toronto as a Resource

311 Toronto is an excellent resource that provides residents, businesses and visitors with easy access to non-emergency City services, programs and information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.If you have an issue at any time, call 311 or report online to receive service and follow up – for example: potholes, road or sidewalk damage, bicycle rack issues, tree issues, garbage, water issues, and more. They will also direct you to the right place if you have any questions or concerns. |
Filming Notice from Second Bedford Productions

Notice from Second Bedford Productions:
To Residents & Businesses in the vicinity of Opera House, 735 Queen Street East: We will be prepping, filming and wrapping for interior scenes at Opera House as follows:
PREP: July 15th – 18th: 7:00am – 7:00pm
FILMING: July 19 & 20 – 8:00am–1:00 AM and July 23 & 24 – 7:00am–11:00pm
WRAP: July 25th – 7:00am – 6:00pm
Our production vehicles and various pieces of film equipment will be located on:
- PREP/ WRAP: S/side Queen St. btwn Broadview Av & Lewis St. – July 15–18 & 25 – 7am to 8pm; W/s Lewis St. btwn Queen St E & south end of the Opera House – July 15 @ 7am – July 24 @ 11pm;
- FILMING: – S/side Queen St. btwn Broadview Av & Saulter St. – July 18 @ 6:00pm – July 20 @ 1:00Am and again July 22 @ 6:00pm – July 24 @ approx 11:00pm. (**Please note: Each day we will flip our vehicles to the north side of Queen before afternoon rush hours – approx 3:00pm until 8:00pm and then swap sides again each day); N/s Queen St E btwn Broadview & Boulton – July 19, 20, 23 & 24 – at approx 4pm to 9:00pm each day; E/s Broadview btwn Eastern Av & Queen St – July 18 @ 6pm – July 20 @ 1:00Am and again July 22 @ 6pm to July 24 @ 11:00pm ((**Please note: Each day we will need flip our vehicles to the west side during afternoon rush hours – approx 4:00pm to 9:00Pm each day); W/s Lewis St. btwn Queen St E & south end of Opera House – July 18 @ 6pm – July 24 @ 11:00pm.
We would like to accommodate any displaced permit parkers affected by our filming. Kindly contact Chris Moulson in advance of the filming to make arrangements.Chris Moulson, Asst. Location Manager, E: flicksdrivein@hotmail.com, C: 416-891-6000 |
Cultural Hotspot Loops Guide: East York & East End is Out!
HOT OFF THE PRESS!! The Cultural Hotspot East York/ East End guide is out f/t tons of fab self-guided tours on Toronto’s east side – art, history & parks – plus handy business directory on eating & shopping!! Get it in print in 25+ local Riverside businesses at the Riverside BA office or online: http://ow.ly/GlOT30kZT47 |
Innovation in the Auto Sector with Riverside Square
Shahin Alizadeh, CEO of Downtown Automotive Group (DAG) talks about changes in thinking about use of space in the auto industry, and about the innovative partnership of DAG and Streetcar Developments that’s transforming the site south of Queen from East Don Roadway to the Toyota dealership into the mixed-use Riverside Square development.
Read the full article on Automotive News Canada |