- Featured: Coronavirus Updates from TPH & Workplace Info; Ontario Line Update – Bill 171: Have Your Say
- BIA Notices/Reminders: Speed Limit Reductions for Ward 14; Riverside Wine & Craft Beer Fest is March 24-29; Commercial Facade Program NOW OPEN; 40 Years, 40 Stories – Share Yours; Night Economy Survey
- 2020 Riverside BIA Event Calendar
- Upcoming Riverside BIA Member Happenings
- Neighbourhood News: SRCHC Seeking Board Members; City to Explore Vacant Storefronts Tax
Coronavirus Updates from TPH & Workplace Info
Get the latest updates on the Novel Coronavirus from Toronto Public Health:
An update on COVID-19 from Toronto Public Health – March 12, 2020:
Toronto Public Health (TPH) is monitoring 29 positive cases of the novel coronavirus: COVID-19 in Toronto. Find out how to protect yourself, what to do if you’re sick after you travel and how to recognize possible symptoms via www.toronto.ca/coronavirus.
As March break approaches and as people may have plans to travel, we recommend reviewing the Public Health Agency of Canada’s travel notices link. The Public Health Agency of Canada is advising people with a recent history of travel in Iran to self-isolate for 14 days after their last day in Iran. This is similar to the advice being given to individuals who have travelled to Hubei Province, China. Toronto residents who have travelled in these areas are asked to call Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600 within 24 hours of when they arrive in Toronto to receive support and further instructions.
More information for organizers of large gatherings and businesses is below:
We also encourage you to stay informed by regularly reviewing credible information sources, including our website www.toronto.ca/coronavirus. You can also call Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Translation is available in many languages.
If your organization has any specific questions, please email our TPH Liaison team at TPHLiaison@toronto.ca.
Ontario Line Update – Bill 171: Have Your Say
The Ontario Government is holding hearings on Bill 171, Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 which will change requirements for the Ontario Line project.
Bill 171, if passed as is would impact private property rights, right of way access permissions, access to land rights, and environmental assessment and consultations requirements.
You can read the full proposed Bill here. You can register to speak, submit a written comment or be at the hearings that will be held March 23 & 24
What are the key dates:
Mar. 18 6pm Deadline to register to speak -go to https://www.ola.org/en/apply-committees and apply for ‘Bill 171’
Mar. 23 2pm – 6pm. Hearings at Ontario Legislature at Queen’s Park. 10 minute presentation, 20 mins for questions.
Mar. 24. 4pm – 6pm. Hearings Ontario Legislature at Queen’s Park.
Mar 24 6pm Deadline for written submissions – go to https://www.ola.org/en/apply-committees
Speed Limit Reductions Ward 14
Speed Limit Reductions: Slowing Down Traffic and Keeping People Safe
Councillor Paula Fletcher shared that in February, the Toronto and East York Community Council considered a report from staff lowering speed limits from 50 km to 40 km on streets in Ward 14. Staff then provided Councillor Fletcher with the full list of streets in Toronto-Danforth that remain 40 and 50 kilometers per hour.
Based on community input, Councillor Fletcher will be moving a motion to reduce the speed limits on a number of local streets as well as requested studies to be conducted by Transportation Services staff on a number of additional streets to report back on reducing speeds.
Click here for the full list of the proposed speed reductions and contact the Councillor’s office with any questions/feedback: councillor_fletcher@toronto.ca.
Riverside Wine & Craft Beer Fest: March 24-29
Tuesday, March 24 to Sunday, March 29 is Riverside’s Annual Wine & Craft Beer Fest. It’ll be a week-long celebration of Ontario wine, local craft beer and Riverside businesses, featuring: talks, classes and prix fixe events (March 24-29) and the ever-popular Expo (March 28)!
Commercial Facade Program NOW OPEN
Dear Riverside BIA Members –
The City of Toronto’s Commercial Facade Improvement Program for 2020 is now open for applications for BIA members.
Property owners, or business tenants with the permission of the owner, may receive up to $12,500 to fund the cost of eligible facade improvements. Additional funds of up to $2,500 are available for accessibility improvements to achieve AODA standards.
Eligible improvements include, but are not limited to: brick cleaning, restoration, doors, signage, windows, lighting, and masonry and wheelchair accessibility.
The deadline says May 7 however the grants are awarded on a first-come-first serve basis. If you need any support in completing your application please don’t hesitate to contact Michael.Saunders@toronto.ca
40 Years, 40 Stories – Share Yours
This year to celebrate and commemorate these first 40 years, we’d like to capture and share 40 short stories of the BIA. If you are a current or past: local business or property owner, employee of a local business or organization, resident or visitor – we’d love to hear your story!
These stories will become a blog series, virtual time capsule, and self-guided Scavenger Hunt that will help local people and tourists alike get to know the Riverside BIA in 2020 and for years to come.
If you have a short story, pls share it (ideally up to 500 words plus photos) with us via this link:
Night Economy Survey

The City of Toronto and Night Economy Ambassador, Michael Thompson have launched a survey and listening tour to better understand how the City can best support and grow Toronto’s vibrant night economy. This is relevant to BIA members operating outside of 9-5pm.
Link to Survey
More information

Our 2020 calendar gives you an overview of what’s happening this year in terms of Riverside BIA-wide events throughout the year! Email office@riverside-to.com anytime with your questions and to get involved in any BIA events.
P.S. Check out our detailed Riverside Online Events Calendar which showcases BIA member and community events – to get your event posted, submit anytime to office@riverside-to.com |
SRCHC is Seeking Board Members
To be a board candidate you must: Be or become a member of the South Riverdale Community Health Centre*, Have English language skills, Commit to an average of 6-10 hrs/month for meetings.
SRCHC offers programs and services to improve the overall wellbeing of our community: Health promotion, Primary care, Harm reduction, Environmental projects, Community outreach
Interested? Contact: jgrgar@srchc.com or 416-461-3577 ext. 223. |
City to Explore Vacant Storefront Tax
The City of Toronto is exploring a proposal to introduce a vacant-storefront tax that would charge landlords for sitting on empty units for extended periods of time.
The tax will “incentivize landlords to work in partnership with small businesses to try and populate these streets.” Full CBC article here and Item at City Council here |