Here’s an update we received from our local Riverside BIA

Show Us Your Game Face” tabia

In Support of Toronto Businesses TABIA, representing Toronto’s 81 BIAs  has launched an awareness campaign in Toronto to encourage residents and tourists alike to support businesses throughout Toronto during the Pan Am/Para pan Games by shopping locally, eating at their favorite restaurants, enjoying local attractions as well as taking part in the games themselves.

Show Us Your Game Face Campaign ( is designed to play upon people’s penchant for taking “selfies” while rewarding the best ones that demonstrate their patronage in 4 different categories/events.  (“Dining Out’, “In the Hood/BIA”, “At Attractions” “At the Games”).

Use The Hashtag #GameFaceTO  on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for a chance to win great Toronto centric prizes, all in the spirit of competition (Gold/Silver/Bronze) will be awarded in each category and there’s even an Elite “special” Prize for the selfie that receives the most likes by the games end.










Tourism Toronto Opps

toronto you
HOTELS & RESTAURANTS: Men’s Journal’s weekly expert advice column is looking to incorporate a bit of Toronto! Each week they choose a food, dish or ingredient and ask a few chefs for their expert tips on creating it, along with sharing recipes for fun spins on the dish. They are currently looking for:

  • Corn (with a summer spin) – so summer friendly recipes involving corn
  • Pastrami (also with a summer spin) – much like the brisket pieces they did last week

They are looking for the recipe, a few sentences about the dish and an image. The more fun and creative your recipe, the more likely they will use it. Please send submissions to Vanessa Somarriba at vsomarriba@TORCVB.COM by Friday, July 17 at 4PM.



Vote for Riverside Businesses for NOW Magazine Best of 2015! Riverside BIA is busy on social media promoting more than 15 businesses and community organizations who were nominated for NOW Magazine Best of 2015! Stay tuned on Twitter @RiversideBIA and on Facebook /RiversideTO. Please re-tweet and share widely! Voting closes September 18.

neighbourghood news

Seeking donations for the August 15th, 5th Annual Rivertowne Community BBQ:
The Rivertowne Safety 1st Program is a resident collective comprised of Toronto Community Housing women-leaders dedicated to making a positive impact in the community. The group is seeking support from businesses/ organizations for the 5th Annual Rivertowne BBQ happening on August 15th and welcomes any supplies, gift certificates, food or financial donations to help purchase items to help make this year’s community celebration a success. Last year’s event hosted over 400 families and residents for food and entertainment and this year a broader cross-section of South Riverdale will be invited. Sponsors will be celebrated and recognized! Please contact Jennifer ( if interested in helping out.









Riverside’s Good Food Markets are back!riverside good

This year, RTC will be hosting 2 markets; One  at the Ralph Thornton Centre and the second in Rivertowne, on Thursday afternoons from 2-6 PM, in collaboration with the

Riverdale Food Working Group  – bringing nutritious, fresh foods to our community.

Danette the Herbalist, who has a clinical practice in Riverside and is part of the amazing wellness team at Oma Chiropractic will also be there  with herbs and herbal teas on the following dates:

August 13

Volunteer opportunities: Help with pricing produce, market set up, selling produce; customer service, market clean-up, and outreach. Meet and work with great people and volunteer in the community. The time commitment is 1 or 2 days a month, 3 hour shifts starting 1 hour before market opens or 1 hour after close, from June-October. Training will be taking place in May. For more information, contact Stephen at or 416-461-1925, ext. 344.


Ralph Thornton Centre Updates


RTC Hosting 519’s Sunday Drop In for July
During the Pan Am Games, the 519 Community Centre is hosting “Pride House.”  As a result, a number of the 519’s regular programs are being temporarily relocated.

Accordingly, the Ralph Thornton Centre is pleased to be hosting the 519’s “Sunday Drop-In” on July 5, 12, 19, and 26th.  This program offers individuals dealing with homelessness and a range of other challenges the opportunity to obtain a meal and to access a range of other supports.  The program will be staffed by the 519’s regular staff for the program.

As a result of this additional program, RTC will be opening earlier for these four Sundays at 9 AM, with an extra RTC staff person on duty to make sure things run smoothly.

We hope you will join us in welcoming this addition to our programming, which we believe is very much in keeping with our goal and mission of being a ‘focus for inclusion’ in the Riverdale community.

If you have any questions regarding this program, or any of the other programs or services offered by the Ralph Thornton Centre, please feel free to contact John Campey at or 416 392-6810 x 227.

Our Urban Pollinators Coming to RTC July 23-24
‘Our Urban Pollinators’ is a two-day workshop that will get you buzzing about bees, butterflies, birds and some thousand other pollinating insects and animals! You’ll learn about the major threats facing pollinators and actions that students can take to protect them. For more information, go to

Last Call for Nominations to the Ralph Thornton Centre Board of Management
The Ralph Thornton Centre (RTC) is seeking enthusiastic individuals who want to help improve our community by serving on the Board of Management. RTC is dedicated to supporting a healthy, inclusive and vibrant community in Riverdale. To that end, RTC offers a variety of programs and services that engage and assist residents and provides space and assistance for a wide range of community groups and activities. RTC, which is affiliated with the City of Toronto, is committed to diversity, equity and social justice.
We especially encourage candidates with interest and/or experience in the areas of public policy/evaluation, finance, human resources, and community outreach. Board members commit to: becoming an RTC member (cost $10 or less per year; serving for up to a two-year term; participating on committees and working groups in addition to the Board; and spending 8 – 10 hours a month on Board & committee meetings & activities. To learn more, e-mail by July 18th, 2015 to indicate your interest.

There’s something ‘fishy’ going on at RTC!
If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at fishing, you now don’t have to go any further than the Ralph Thornton Centre. In partnership with Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors, RTC is now a “tackleshare” site – we have a number of fishing rods and equipment that you can borrow, free of charge – just ask at Reception. For more information on fishing in our neighbourhood, go to , the website for Catch Fishing, or, the Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors Website.

Save the Date – Ralph Thornton Centre Annual General Meeting: Wednesday, September 30!


This Saturday Support our Neighbours to the East


Come out and celebrate Leslieville’s unique culture at #TOQS (The Other Queen Street). Show your love for Toronto’s east side by taking part in the festivities!

This event includes:
– Unveiling of the new BIA benches located at 1238 Queen E (1:00pm)
– Themed tours starting from the information hub (Food, Art, Design and Fashion) (1:30pm)
– En Plein Air Art Challenge
– A sidewalk sale
– Restaurant specials
– Mockup of the new Leslieville mural with artist Jim Thierry Bravo located at Queen and Jones
– The Leslieville Historical Society information booth located at the information hub
– Baby Be Good – The Eastside Popup Market located at Jimmy Simpson Park
– Leslieville merchandise and prizes

An information hub with event guides will be located in the Avondale Retirement Residence parking lot located at 1238 Queen St E.


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Leslieville/Riverside News: #RiversideTO BIA Weekly Update July 17th

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